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6 Carat Diamond Rings: The Right Carat Weight For You?
Angelica Frey | March 07, 2023
A 6 carat diamond makes a significant statement. This carat weight for an engagement ring combines elegance, opulence, and maximalism, but it also suits sleeker styles and settings.
Seeing a 6 carat diamond in real life for the first time has a built-in surprise factor. Floor models and online photos of rings mostly feature the 1 to 1.5 carat range, so a 6 carat lab-grown diamond will certainly appear striking and stunning. If you like this weight range, make sure to book an appointment with a diamond expert to see the real-time and real-life impact of the size and brilliance of a 6 carat VRAI created diamond.
What Is A 6 Carat Diamond Engagement Ring?
A 6 carat diamond ring features a 6 carat diamond as its center stone. 6 carat diamonds are quite rare, but they are one of the most popular choices in the large carat sizes. Dimensions-wise, in the case of elongated cuts such as Marquise, Pear, Emerald, and Oval, the length is usually between 10 and 13 mm, the width between 9 and 11 mm. Weight-wise, 6 carats correspond to 1.2 grams. With these parameters in mind, the best settings will take both the weight and size into consideration, as bigger carat weights need support.
How Much Does A 6 Carat Diamond Cost?
Mined 6 carat diamonds with G-I color, VS1-SI1 clarity cost more than $100,000 at the time of publication: due to the rarity of this carat weight, the inventory can be limited so comparing prices is not as straightforward as lower carat weights. In the case of lab-grown diamonds, which sport the same chemical, physical, and optical characteristics as mined diamonds, the price is significantly lower, but in the five figures. VRAI created diamonds in the 6 carat range, with G-I color and VS1-SI1 clarity grade, cost between $12,866 and $15,371 at the time of publication.
6 Carat Mined Diamond Vs 6 Carat Lab Grown Diamond
At this high carat weight, choosing a lab-grown diamond has significant advantages over mined diamonds. The most glaring advantage is the price, as per what stated above, VRAI created diamonds in the 6 carat range between $12,866 and $15,371, while mined 6 carat diamonds will cost more than $100,000. Both mined and lab-grown diamonds share an identical growing process: first they form as carbon atoms under high temperature and immense pressure, and then they bond together to grow a crystalline lattice structure. Ultimately, they sport the same clarity characteristic and range of colors as their mined counterpart and are graded with the same criteria. Lab-grown diamonds are all of guaranteed origins and without the human and environmental toll of mined diamonds. If you're looking for a large carat diamond ring, lab-grown diamonds created by VRAI offer the same luxury at a better price point.
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How Do You Choose The Right 6 Carat Diamond?
While carat weight greatly influences the price of a diamond especially at higher carat weights, it is not the only determinant of a diamond’s price tag. The higher the carat weight, the more color and clarity increase in importance: a larger table area and overall larger facets make a diamond’s clarity and color characteristics much more detectable. Queena Chang, VRAI’s Chief Diamond Expert and a GIA graduate and alumna suggests a G-I color range and a VS1-2 clarity.
“G-I diamonds complement any metal color, and VS1-2 will be clean to the eye,” she explains. “These grades allow me to focus on the high carat weight, but still have a diamond that will not have any large visible blemishes to the eye, or too noticeable of a color.”
What Determines The Size Of A 6 Carat Diamond?
6 carat diamonds weigh 1.2 grams, or 0.049 ounces. The actual size of the diamond, meaning the dimensions of width, length, and depth, are determined by their cut and shape: some shapes carry considerable weight in their pavilions, others in their table. At this weight, sizes are not as consistent.
“Once you get into these large carat sizes the top-down jump in carat weight isn't quite as dramatic - this is especially true with fancy shapes (non round) since they have much more variance in their proportions,” warns Grace Taylor, VRAI’s Senior Director of Sales and Customer Experience. “For example, a 6 and 7 carat diamond could have nearly identical length and width measurements if one is particularly shallow and the other more deep.”
Round brilliant cut diamonds have a more precise size range as their proportions are more regulated.
This is all because as a diamond gets larger, it also gets deeper. “More of the carat weight is going towards the underside of the stone in larger shapes, making the differences between them much less noticeable,” continues Taylor. “We see this when customers are shopping - people looking below 2 carats generally have a very specific carat weight range they seek, but people looking for the larger carat weights generally have a much wider range.”
The following principle will always hold true: elongated shapes such as Marquise, Pear, Emerald, and Oval will have a larger surface area than round or equilateral shapes such as the Round Brilliant cut, the Asscher, the Princess, and the square Radiant cut.
What Are The Best Settings For A 6 Carat Diamond Engagement Ring?
With a 6 carat diamond engagement ring, the best setting is the one that, will provide adequate protection and show off the stone.
“I highly recommend my customers to consider settings with more support, such as our Classic Hidden Halo, which has a rim of metal underneath the girdle of the diamond to support the prongs,”advises Queena Chang, VRAI’s Chief Diamond Expert and a GIA graduate. Chang also endorses settings such as the Signature or Signature 6 Prong: they provide support, show off the stone, and their signature sling dips slightly below the band so that it accommodates deeper pavilions while also not making the diamond protrude too much.
What Are The Most Popular Diamond Shapes For A 6 Carat Diamond Engagement Ring?
At higher carat weights, especially in the 6-carat range, Ovals, Pears and Emeralds prove to be quite appealing as they follow the length of the finger without overwhelming the width. Queena Chang, VRAI’s Chief Diamond Expert, endorses the Emerald shape. “You can truly appreciate the fine faceting at this size.”

6 Carat Round Brilliant Cut Diamond Ring
At 6 carats, a Round Brilliant cut diamond measures around 11.6mm in diameter, which covers approximately 72% of a size 6 finger. A 6 carat Round Brilliant cut ring is less than double the diameter of a 1 carat diamond, but weighs 6 times as much. A Round Brilliant diamond’s cut and brilliance are emphasized and celebrated with a six-prong setting, which secures it without overwhelming it.

6 Carat Emerald Cut Diamond Ring
Going up in carat weight really lets us admire the craftsmanship and symmetry of the step-cut facets that make up an Emerald diamond. Measuring a little less than 13mm by 9 mm a 6 carat Emerald cut diamond will only cover 56% of the width of a size 6 finger. However, the emphasis with this shape is on length, so it will have an overall flattering effect. Emerald cut diamonds really shine with a bezel setting running parallel to the facets, which furthers the Hall-of-Mirrors effect of this diamond shape.

6 Carat Oval Cut Diamond Ring
Measuring circa 13 by 11 cm, a 6 carat Oval cut diamond combines the fire, brightness, and scintillation of the Round Brilliant cut with a finger-lengthening effect. Width-wise, it covers approximately 70% of a size 6 finger. A six-prong setting following the curves of the diamond or a Hidden Halo setting show off this extremely versatile shape.

6 Carat Pear Shaped Diamond Ring
Combining the lengthening effect of the Marquise cut with the brilliance of the Round Brilliant cut, a 7 carat Pear cut diamond measures around 16 by 9 mm or 15 by 10 cm depending on the proportions and the depth of the diamond. To show off a shape that combines curves with sharp corners in a unique teardrop shape, we recommend a bezel setting
Book An Appointment With A Diamond Expert
A video or a rendering on a digital sample of a hand can only replicate the look and feel of a 6 carat diamond up to a certain point: seeing its size, brilliance and luster firsthand is a unique experience, which can help you determine whether a 6 carat diamond is in the cards for you. An expert can thoroughly present the features of each cut and shape.